104 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
LHJR is offering a complete, solid charolais
cross steer from that is built correctly from the
ground up. He offers plenty of turn and shape
from his
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 1,500.00
105 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Out I-67 and a Paddy O’Malley cow
this sweet little steer is a sleeper, but
patterned right with a big butt and top
and tying it all together with fre
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,800.00) = 1,800.00
106 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Flashy red and white Man Among Boys
steer. Super sound, big butt and top. Very
gentle, perfect for a first time showmen.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,900.00) = 2,900.00
107 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This stylish MAB steer is very complete.
Putting it all together in a free moving,
sound package that will not compromise
in bone, foot, or power. Whi
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,800.00) = 2,800.00
108 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Here is one gentle dude...He has a pedigree
that a lot of champions have I 80 Monopoly
x Irish Whiskey .....He is soft made and will
be the easy feedi
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,400.00) = 2,400.00
112 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This Dakota Gold steer combines muscle,
bone and growth potential in one
package. He is extremely heavy muscled
while still offering balance and eye a
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to HaiBar for (2,000.00 + 0.00BP) = 2,000.00
117 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This calf is moderate and stout with all the flexibility you could
ask for. He moves out very nicely, filling his track with ease and
comfort, yet he
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,800.00) = 1,800.00
118 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This guy is just flat classy! He is extremely stylish made with all the
power you would need. His neck ties high in his shoulder and gives
him a kille
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to brad0PO for (2,500.00 + 0.00BP) = 2,500.00
119 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
If color is your thing, this uniquely color patterned
steer is for you! Oh, but wait color isn’t his only
attribute! He is clean jointed, correct at t
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,500.00) = 2,500.00
120 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
By far the greenest steer in our offering at the time of this writing but don’t
discount him for that. Keep feeding, he is going to be a looker! He is
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (3,500.00) = 3,500.00
121 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Functional is the word that comes to mind
when you see this brockle faced steer. He is
sound, deep ribbed, square hipped and smooth
shouldered. The ea
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,700.00) = 2,700.00
122 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This steer will be a powerhouse. His tremendous
growth combined with the massive body that he
has, will turn any judges head. He is nicely balanced
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 1,500.00
123 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This moderate framed steer had been a head
turner since the day he hit the ground. He is sharp
fronted, big middled and massive when you get
behind hi
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,700.00) = 2,700.00
124 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This is a sleeper steer. He is very nicely balanced and will have
that look that will turn a judge’s head every time. He is pretty
fronted, smooth mad
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,100.00) = 2,100.00
125 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
A really nice steer that has the depth and dimension to be
very competitive. He is nicely balanced, smooth made and
structurally correct. He weaned ha
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,600.00) = 1,600.00
126 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This steer is simply a beast! He is big topped, big middle
and big boned. He has the growth and performance
coupled with just the right look that will
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,400.00) = 2,400.00
127 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This is easily our thickest made steer this year. He has
a massive top and a huge hip. He carries down into
his lower quarter with that tremendous thi
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,100.00) = 2,100.00
128 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Breed showman take notice of this guy…this Registered Angus
Steer will compete! He is super nicely balanced, extremely
thick topped and he carries tre
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,700.00) = 1,700.00
129 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Full Brother was many times Champion in
Wisconsin. Our calves were photographed
2 weeks after weaning and 7 days with
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,200.00) = 2,200.00
130 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Tremendous steer with a great
future ahead of him. Our calves were
photographed 2 weeks after weaning and
7 days with halter
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,750.00) = 2,750.00
143 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This calf is a good one out of a first calf
heifer, give him a little more time on feed
and he’ll keep getting better. He has all
the right pieces.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (800.00) = 800.00
144 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This guy is a showstopper. He’s been good
from the day he was born and continues
to get better. The amount of bone and
muscle, mixed with his color wi
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (3,100.00) = 3,100.00
145 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This calf has plenty of hair, bone, body,
and muscle, now all he needs is some
time on feed. He’s going to be a good
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,800.00) = 1,800.00
160 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
A calf who we fill has as much potential
to be in the purple as any he is just a little
greener at this point. He is big hipped
and cool fronted as th
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,900.00) = 1,900.00
161 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This calf is sired by Nun Better. He gets
better everyday and is easy to appreciate.
Just look at the way this calf is made
smooth fronted and big but
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to rickstimpson for (2,400.00 + 0.00BP) = 2,400.00
164 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Here comes another blue Texas Tornado
just like the famous “Smurf” that was
shown so successfully by Isabelle Lowry
this last year. This calf is stout
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 1,500.00
166 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This blond colored calf is really pretty
but he packs as much red meat as you
could put in one. He is big topped, long,
and stout and is sure going to
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,500.00) = 2,500.00
167 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Another blond Sniper that is really deep
sided and pretty fronted. Stout and
sound calf that is easy on the eyes!
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,200.00) = 2,200.00
169 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This fancy red paint steer is sure to catch
the eye of a judge when he hits the ring.
Let his big hip and style get you to the
back drop!
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 1,500.00
170 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Lots of style and really thick. Half sister
was calf champion in Phoenix and the
reserve champion Nile club calf heifer.
Everything his mother has rai
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 1,500.00
171 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Super gentle, Big Footed, Big Bone, Thick,
and Super Hairy! Steers mother has raised
many Champions. 1/2 brother was 3rd
high Shorthorn at OYE in Okla
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (3,100.00) = 3,100.00
175 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
This level topped big hipped shorthorn
angus cross steer is sure to be a stand out
in the show ring. He is a free moving large
boned calf that offers
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,300.00) = 1,300.00
182 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
A big topped, deep sided steer with
a smooth and pretty front end. Great
hair, structural correctness and a great
appetite to be a winner.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,000.00) = 1,000.00
183 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Here is a big topped, big ribbed steer with
lots of expressive muscle. Great hair, feet,
and legs. His gentle and calm disposition
is an added plus.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,500.00) = 2,500.00
195 - 2016 NILE Club Calf SaleFrontier Live Sale
Stout smaller framed steer with a great attitude. This one is
gonna make a great project for any level showman. He’s big
hipped, wide topped, and his
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,900.00) = 1,900.00