21 - Fast Payweight 1682 746Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for heifers or cows.This bull’s dam consistently produces high quality,
calving ease bulls. This super smooth, deep sided scamp is a half bro
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,500.00) = 2,500.00
22 - Strommen Capitalist 414 750Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for heifers. 414 has been really easy calving for us and in 3 calving seasons
we have NOT touched a single one! Add that on top of 2 of the b
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,500.00) = 2,500.00
23 - Fast Capitalist 414 756Frontier Live Sale
A big, wide top and square hip with smooth laid in shoulders, best describes this
attractive bull. He comes from an excellent cow family known for cal
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (6,000.00) = 6,000.00
24 - Fast Power Pro 752Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for larger frame heifers or cows. A well made bull with a long spine, moderate
frame and an ideal phenotype for calving ease. He posts a $B:
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,250.00) = 2,250.00
25 - Fast Resolute 757Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for heifers or cows. Another good Resolute son with a high ratio weaning
weight as well as good feedlot gain. If you are looking to put super
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (3,750.00) = 3,750.00
26 - Fast Power Pro 760Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for heifers or cows. Another really nice calving ease bull with a moderate
fram size and good length of body. Power Pro works well on Ranger
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to mccor for (2,750.00 + 0.00BP) = 2,750.00
27 - Fast Payweight 1682 780Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for heifers or cows. A larger framed Payweight son with a long spine and
good spring of rib and width through his rump. A quiet bull with a s
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (5,500.00) = 5,500.00
28 - Fast Power Pro 763Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for heifers or cows. A thick topped bull with a smooth laid in shoulder for
an ideal calving ease conformation. He ranks in the top 2% of the
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,750.00) = 2,750.00
29 - Strommen Oliver 742Frontier Live Sale
TAKE A PEAK HERE!!!! Massive width, muscle expression, good feet and length
add that on top of a pedigree packed with pathfinders, and you get a herd
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (8,000.00) = 8,000.00
30 - Fast Payweight 1682 786Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for heifers or cows. Super attractive, deep sided bull with good muscle
expression over his top and through his rump. His dam is a Pathfinder
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (5,500.00) = 5,500.00
31 - Fast Power Pro 781Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for larger frame heifers or cows. Another really nice calving ease bull with
a moderate frame size and good length of body. His grand dam and
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,000.00) = 2,000.00
32 - Strommen Resource 785Frontier Live Sale
Interium EPDs listed. Actual EPDs will be available prior to sale day. Another really
nice Resource bull here. Suitable for cows
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (8,500.00) = 8,500.00
33 - Fast Commando 788Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for larger frame heifers and cows. A rugged, deep bodied bull with good
length of body. Structurally correct on his feet and legs with a long
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 4,000.00
34 - Fast Payweight 1682 794Frontier Live Sale
A super herd sire prospect! His tremendous depth of rib, wide top and rump, and
excellent muscle expression through his rear quarter makes him a show
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (13,000.00) = 13,000.00
35 - Fast Payweight 1682 791Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for heifers or cows. If you like Lot 34, your’re going to like Lot 35 as well!
Another Payweight son with good muscle expression, depth of ri
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 4,000.00
36 - Fast Commando 792Frontier Live Sale
This Commando son has tremendous length of body, well balanced and structurally
correct on his feet and legs. He ranks in the top 5% of the breed for
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (6,500.00) = 6,500.00
37 - Fast Payweight 1682 796Frontier Live Sale
This bull will catch your eye with his extra depth and spring of rib along with his
attractive head carriage! His dam stems from our highly productive
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,750.00) = 2,750.00
39 - Fast Commando 744Frontier Live Sale
Suitable for heifers or cows. A moderate frame bull with good muscle expression,
a wide top, and depth of rib that will catch your eye! He ranks in th
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Mkunz for (2,000.00 + 0.00BP) = 2,000.00