8250 HUFFINE BOZEMAN, MT 59718 406.853.6937

2018 ICC Common Sense Angus Bull Sale

Auction Details

2018 ICC Common Sense Angus Bull Sale
Thursday February 1, 2018 @ 1:00PM MST
Glendive Livestock Exchange - Glendive, MT
LIABILITY: All persons attending this sale do so at their own risk, legal or otherwise for their safety or the behavior of the animals. The owners and sale
staff assume no liability for property loss or any accidents that may occur.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: From the sale block will take precedence over the catalog.
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ICC SIM BULL 7254113 - ICC SIM BULL 7254
Frontier Live Sale
• Calving ease, 3/4 Simm, polled Uno Mas son that will deliver a little outcross heterosis on Angus based females while still maintaining convenience
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (1,500.00) = 1,500.00