742 - THE MASQUED MAVERICKFrontier Live Sale
Gorgeous dun colt with a bright future. Cow-bred and classy. Sire is an AQHA
Champion in the Open and Amateur with earnings in Versatility Ranch Horse
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,600.00) = 1,600.00
743 - ZIPANIC MAGICFrontier Live Sale
Th is is a fancy colt that is bred to do anything related to cattle or reining, plus he’s
very gentle and easy to handle. He was sired by Zipanic, goi
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (3,000.00) = 3,000.00
South Dakota & Montana Reined Cow Horse Stallion Stakes Eligible. Sire is 2x
NRCHA world show qualifi er and money earner. Dam is a NCHA money e...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,700.00) = 2,700.00
745 - CC A SARE MIRAGEFrontier Live Sale
Th is colt is guarenteed to be good. Lance Bateman has done very well with the full
brother to this dude.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,600.00) = 2,600.00
746 - PENDINGFrontier Live Sale
Th is well-built stout grullo fi lly is from a high foundation bred mare that has proven
herself on the ranch and off . Bred to be versatile and train
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,100.00) = 1,100.00
747 - SHASTAS BAR MAIDFrontier Live Sale
2018 sorrel fi lly out of Shasta Cowledge (money-earner and producer) and Chics
Wildest Dream (money-earner). Pedigree includes champion bloodlines li
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,400.00) = 2,400.00
748 - PENDINGFrontier Live Sale
I purchased this fi lly’s dam from Kelly Conrado when she was 5 years old (now 23) and I
have been raising foals out of her ever since. Th is fancy ba
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,200.00) = 2,200.00
749 - ICED CUBEFrontier Live Sale
Nice grey gelding that is gentle and friendly, very trainable. Great combination of
speed crossed with cow. Should be a great prospect for whatever di
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (3,500.00) = 3,500.00
750 - RD IRISH CREMEFrontier Live Sale
Don’t miss this guy. Dapple palomino that will defi nitely watch a cow. Pretty enough
to show. Paddys Irish Whiskey is the NRCHA’s All Time Leading Si
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (1,100.00) = 1,100.00
751 - WALKIN PRETTY SPOONFrontier Live Sale
Fancy-looking fi lly with a pedigree to match. She should be able to go in any
direction you choose and look good doing it. Th is is a performance ped
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (800.00) = 800.00