40 - RED EXPRESS 017Frontier Live Sale
12.5% Gelbvieh 12.5% Angus 75% Red Angus
This is one of the gentlest bulls in the sale.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,000.00) = 4,000.00
45 - EATON’S RED BEC 2029Frontier Live Sale
Here is the other bull Chance Eaton brought. Chance was
our fi rst recipient of the NILE Merit Heifer program many
years ago. It really paid off for h
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,500.00) = 3,500.00
48 - RED HANDSOME 0247Frontier Live Sale
Red Nexus aka Handsom Bud is a bull that we raised. He
can really stamp his calves.They are all moderate made,
thick topped, big hipped bulls.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (2,750.00) = 2,750.00
54 - RED HAY MAKER 051Frontier Live Sale
If you are looking to add pounds as weaning time take a
look at this Makin’ Hay son! He is out of a 12 year old cow
that brought in a 753 pou
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,000.00) = 3,000.00
55 - RED WIZARD 070Frontier Live Sale
This bull is out of a very nice, gentle female. He is a long
bodied, deep sided bull.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,000.00) = 4,000.00