11 - M A R Reliant 103Frontier Live Sale
Super calving ease backed by an impressive Fate grandam. Fate daughters breed
earlier and easier.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,250.00) = 4,250.00
13 - M A R Powerball 125Frontier Live Sale
A massive, big yearling weight bull. These Powerball sons grow like crazy without
sacrificing quality. Lot 13 ranks in the top 1% of the breed for 6 E
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,000.00) = 5,000.00
15 - M A R Powerball 167Frontier Live Sale
Lot 15 offers an incredible BW to YW spread complimented by exceptional carcass
values. He exemplifies what we are looking for in all our bulls.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (14,000.00) = 14,000.00
16 - M A R Powerball 122Frontier Live Sale
A can’t-miss kind of herd sire prospect, Lot 16 is the biggest yearling bull in
this offering. He is a top spread bull that will sire impress
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (14,000.00) = 14,000.00
17 - M A R Index 166Frontier Live Sale
Lot 17 offers a little different pedigree and is out of the great Miss Amy cow
family. He is a very correct bull with great feet that will sire impres
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (12,000.00) = 12,000.00
18 - M A R Jet Black 138Frontier Live Sale
We used Jet Black to add some calving ease and bring in the 890 cow who has as
much sheer power and performance as any cow around.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (11,500.00) = 11,500.00
19 - M A R Jet Black 147Frontier Live Sale
Out of a dam that really works for a living, Lot 19 posts an impressive +83 $M - you
will want to keep every heifer out of this impressive herd sire p
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,500.00) = 5,500.00
20 - M A R Jet Black 149Frontier Live Sale
A Jet Black out of a cow sired by the Twenty X bull who scanned a 20” ribeye. An
easy keeping bull that ranks in the top 2% of the breed for
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,750.00) = 3,750.00