24 - C Bar Resource 1263Frontier Live Sale
Herd Sire Potential, This bull grabs your attention as you enter
the pen. Lot 24 is at ET calf resulting from the mating SAV
Resource 1441/Musgrave Bl
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,000.00) = 5,000.00
68 - NF Morgan’s Homeraised J914Frontier Live Sale
Introducing Anthony!! You can’t miss this guy when you walk in
the pen. Lots of mass, volume, and internal dimension all wrapped
up in an inc
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,500.00) = 4,500.00
9 - R44 Paxton 1668Frontier Live Sale
Dam WR 4@104. Heifer Bull. High performing Paxton 6704 son.
Extra length with ample muscle. He covers all the bases. Very
powerful, pathfinder dam. Fu
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (8,500.00) = 8,500.00
40 - DHRA Conclusion 3021Frontier Live Sale
Here’s a power house. He weaned off at 799 lbs, he has the
highest ADG at 4.58 and the second heaviest at 1385 in the group.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,500.00) = 4,500.00
23 - C Bar Resource 1247Frontier Live Sale
Herd Sire Potential Lot 23 is at ET calf resulting from the mating
SAV Resource 1441/Musgrave Blackcap 2555 a Ten X daughter.
The 2555 cow stems from
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,000.00) = 4,000.00
25 - C Bar President 1245Frontier Live Sale
A Power bull that will add pounds to your calf crop. This bull,
sired by the popular SAV President 6847, brings a weaning ratio of
116. Dam is sired b
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,000.00) = 4,000.00
64 - NF Remarkable GE53 J833Frontier Live Sale
The dam G833 to this bull is out the Ideal 6567 bull. This sire was
a favorite of mine the first time I saw him on the E7 angus ranch.
A rugged-lookin
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (6,000.00) = 6,000.00
7 - R44 Cortez 1661Frontier Live Sale
Dam WR 4@101. Heifer Bull. Cortez son with a ton of middle.
This guy is a high volume belly dragger! Extremely docile out of a
tremendous cow. His ful
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (7,250.00) = 7,250.00
11 - R44 Emulation 1566Frontier Live Sale
Dam WR 5@105. My highest weaning bull calf. Extremely long and
smooth made bull. Powerful, pathfinder dam produced the high
selling bull in last year
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,000.00) = 4,000.00
55 - WW North Country 25JFrontier Live Sale
Recommended for heifers or cows. WW North Country is long
bodied, strong topped, deep in the fore rib all in a very attractive
package backed by one o
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,500.00) = 4,500.00
35 - C Bar Sensation 1301Frontier Live Sale
Sensation brings a strong EPD package with him, Dam is anchored
by the “222” Pathfinder cow with weaning at 6@105 ratio.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (2,750.00) = 2,750.00
65 - NF Remarkable GE53 J808Frontier Live Sale
Super smooth-made bull out of a gorgeous Ideal Resource
daughter as well as a son of our own GE53 herd sire. Look at this
bull’s pedigree. Po
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,750.00) = 3,750.00
56 - NF Ideal 4223 J239Frontier Live Sale
Loads of muscle, volume, and girth. Maybe the best cow bull out
of 4223 that we have raised. Should see growthy type calves.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,000.00) = 5,000.00
6 - R44 Cortez 1660Frontier Live Sale
Dam WR 4@109. Nicely patterned Cortez son. Very typical of
Cortez cattle with strong muscle expression, wide top, and ample
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,250.00) = 4,250.00
13 - R44 Emulation 1863Frontier Live Sale
Dam 2@ 100. Heifer Bull. Bred just like lot #12 and #14. The
Emulation 7756 daughters have tremendous udder quality, ample
volume, and are gentle.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (7,000.00) = 7,000.00
27 - C Bar Dakota 1212Frontier Live Sale
A power bull, sired by Mohnen Dakota 2528 out of the Montana
Ranch herd sire lineup. This SAV Rainfall 6846 grandson packs
some more power but retains
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (2,750.00) = 2,750.00
29 - C Bar Explosion 1257Frontier Live Sale
A heifer bull prospect by the sire Musgrave Explosion. This
moderate frame sire boasts a strong maternal with a $M=93 and a
Heifer Pregnancy score of
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,750.00) = 3,750.00
57 - NF Ideal 4223 J201Frontier Live Sale
Another must-have 4223 son. Heifer bull with extra length and
calving ease. Keep all of the females out of him – they should be
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (2,750.00) = 2,750.00
58 - NF Ideal 4223 J208Frontier Live Sale
This bull goes back to Shane’s Miss Charlo 502. A maternal
brother to the dam of this bull is still in production at the
Spearhead Cattle Co.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (2,750.00) = 2,750.00
10 - R44 Paxton 1757Frontier Live Sale
Dam WR 3@99. Heifer Bull. Dam produced the high selling bull
of the 2020 Milk River sale selling to Alba Halderman. Granddam
produced a high selling b
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,250.00) = 5,250.00
1 - R44 Jet Stream 1158Frontier Live Sale
Dam WR 9@104. Natural bull calf out of 11 year old donor dam.
Extremely productive dam that excels for phenotype and fleshing
ability. Her sons have b
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,500.00) = 4,500.00
30 - C Bar Explosion 1234Frontier Live Sale
This moderate frame, low birth weight, sired by Musgrave
Explosion has a CED of +9, weaning ratio of 105. Pathfinder Dam
has weaning ratios of 5@107.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,500.00) = 3,500.00
32 - C Bar Explosion 1274Frontier Live Sale
This thick made son of Musgrave Explosion would be for larger
framed heifers. Dam is a older cow, deep and thick made in her
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,500.00) = 4,500.00
66 - NF Approval E398 J217Frontier Live Sale
Ten-year-old dam of Kade’s that has calved every year in her first
cycle. She is the granddam to F01, which is the mother of Lot 62.
Lots of
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,500.00) = 3,500.00
67 - NF Approval E398 J214Frontier Live Sale
An Approval grandson linking back to our Black Lassie A398
(Nancy cow). The dam to this bull is a Split Diamond Blackcap
cow that has lots of thicknes
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,750.00) = 3,750.00
12 - R44 Emulation 1861Frontier Live Sale
Dam 2@ 100. Heifer Bull. The Emulation 7756 cattle are extremely
docile with added length. They have crossed very well on the
Paxton cattle.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,750.00) = 3,750.00
2 - R44 Jet Stream 1457Frontier Live Sale
Donor Dam WR 9@104. Embryo bull calf. Full brother to #1-#4.
OCC Jet Stream semen is in short supply as he is a longtime
proven producer.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,750.00) = 3,750.00
33 - C Bar Sensation 1298Frontier Live Sale
The first Sensation bull offered is moderate for frame, Thickness
excels with him. Great granddam is a Pathfinder 9@107 on their
weaning, bringing a t
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,250.00) = 5,250.00
39 - C Bar President 1336Frontier Live Sale
Nice EPD package on this high performing Leupold son. Dam is a
Sitz Wisdom daughter, deep, thick and moderate in stature
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,750.00) = 3,750.00
59 - NF Cooper 135U J398Frontier Live Sale
This bull is out of a ten-year-old dam that is one of my favorites
(pictured). She is a keeper in any cow herd. These Cooper sons
are all about calvin
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (2,500.00) = 2,500.00
60 - NF Cooper 135U J17Frontier Live Sale
This bull is out of a Bruno daughter that goes back to our C07 and
Z61 cows (a couple of my favorites). The females in the top and
bottom of this pedi
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 3,000.00
3 - R44 Jet Stream 1469Frontier Live Sale
Donor Dam WR 9@104. Embryo bull calf. Highest gaining of the
full brothers. Will leave some docile and feminine daughters.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,750.00) = 3,750.00
8 - R44 Paxton 1667Frontier Live Sale
Dam WR 4@98. Heifer Bull. Cedar Ridge x Paxton cross that has
worked very well. The Paxton 6704 cattle have been standouts for
low maintenance, troubl
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,000.00) = 5,000.00
26 - C Bar President 1259Frontier Live Sale
A lower birth weight SAV President 6847 son that got a slower
start but has caught up with his contemporary’s. His mother, out
of Pathfinder
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (3,000.00) = 3,000.00
61 - NF Cooper 135U J685Frontier Live Sale
The 685 cow is one of the most noticed cows in our herd from
those who come to look at our cows. If you like a less-than
moderate female with ease of
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 3,000.00