122 - RM Dunlop 3902Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
Here it is again; a 114 IMF indexing bull by a 12 year old cow.
This combination is as real as the market is good today.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (8,500.00) = 8,500.00
123 - RM McLendon 3901Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
Another good McClendon with the same great traits. Sure
shot calving ease, top 1% DMI, 114 IMF index and a 1.30 RMY
Side by side
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (9,000.00) = 9,000.00
124 - RM Dunlop 3532Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
This good Dunlop comes from another old cow family and his
performance EPDs show, but so do the cow longevity EPDs and
his side b
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (9,000.00) = 9,000.00
125 - RM Scottsman 3552Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
A good XM Scottsman bull from a donor cow family. Positive
cow EPDs and a 1.27 RMY
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (9,000.00) = 9,000.00
127 - RM Reserve 0807 3631Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
This good bull can be used on heifers. He is double bred on
both sides. He is also high marbling with positive cow traits;
Say it wit
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (7,500.00) = 7,500.00
128 - RM FJB 3565Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
A good FJB out of one of our best 10 year old Mustang cows,
who is a maternal daughter to our great 5329 cow. He is also a
sure shot
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (9,500.00) = 9,500.00
129 - RM McLendon 3504Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
This incredible McClendon bull survived on his own. Just after
nursing for the first time, he was separated from his dam. After
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (9,000.00) = 9,000.00
130 - RM Reserve 9649 3555Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
This good Reserve grandson is the last calf by his 14 year old
dam, who is also the maternal grandam of FJB and McClendon.
Classic XM
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (10,000.00) = 10,000.00
131 - RM Scottsman 3706Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
This 13 year old Maverick daughter belted out another good
one this year. She has many daughters and grand daughters in
this herd. Th
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (8,500.00) = 8,500.00