36 - RM FJB 3595Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
Here will be a sale day favorite. He is the classic Reminisce -
thick and moderate with volume.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (8,500.00) = 8,500.00
38 - RM Reserve 0581 3911Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull - NO VIDEO ON THIS LOT!
If you need longevity, buy this bull. His dam is 15 years old.
The dam of his sire was 13 when she had him. B
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (10,000.00) = 10,000.00
39 - RM FJB 3559Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
Here is a high marbling, calving FJB by Baron Combination.
High HP and $EN.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (8,500.00) = 8,500.00
40 - RM McLendon 3516Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
Calving ease, good indexes, positive cow traits, side by side
carcass EPDs, top 12% DMI, 1.33 RMY. He may very well top
the sale.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (12,500.00) = 12,500.00
42 - RM McLendon 3513Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
This will be a high selling McClendon on sale day.
His performance traits, cow traits and big time carcass
indexes are something
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (9,000.00) = 9,000.00
44 - RM Dunlop 3599Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
This Dunlop has classic Reminisce XM EPDs and side by side
carcass traits and post 115 for IMF.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (7,500.00) = 7,500.00
45 - RM Scottsman 3518AFrontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
Another classic Reminisce style high marbling Scottsman bull
indexing 129 for IMF and 1.23 RMY.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (8,000.00) = 8,000.00
46 - RM Anticipation 0511 3557Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
This good bull is not for use on heifers, but he is a real high
marbling cow maker and you will like his shape and his RMY
of 1.2
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (7,000.00) = 7,000.00
47 - RM Scottsman 3574Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
This Scottsman bull is the last natural calf by one of our great
donor cows by RM Sequel 8535. She was 13 when she had
this good bull
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (8,000.00) = 8,000.00
49 - RM McLendon 3515Frontier Live Sale
2 Year Old Bull
I am not sure which McClendon is the best one in the sale,
but this bull is a contender for that rank. REAL calving ease,
cow traits,
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (12,500.00) = 12,500.00