42 - J5 674Z SHERIFF 7142Frontier Live Sale
I feel like there is more power here than everything that you can see would show. I
would be careful of the heifers I put him on our use him on anythi
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,000.00) = 2,000.00
43 - J5 31A G I JOE 7280Frontier Live Sale
Exceptional balance in this guy, nothing will blow you away but that sometimes is
the point. What are your goals for your calves, what size cows are y
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,000.00) = 2,000.00
44 - J5 209B LONGGUARD 7170Frontier Live Sale
This is the last calf out of the 704 cow that produced consistantly at this level every
year, hence her 102MPPA at the age of 10. You won’t look in a
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,800.00) = 2,800.00
45 - J5 522B BIG CAT 7288Frontier Live Sale
A long, powerful and complete. the mother here is a hell
of a good range cow, she has natural power and always brings length and power to
the table. W
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,100.00) = 2,100.00
46 - J5 209B REGARD 7203Frontier Live Sale
Guardian out of a genuine power cow with extra frame and length. It is a lot more
likely to get to a 740 lbs Weaning weight with a calf with a lot of
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,100.00) = 2,100.00
47 - J5 522B ADVOCATER 7231Frontier Live Sale
Advocate really stamps his lenghth depth and thickness in his progeny this bull was
built and bred for power and that is exactly what he has delivered
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,000.00) = 2,000.00
48 - J5 522B ADVOCATE 7195Frontier Live Sale
I like the top power and length that this guy possesses he will keep you in heavy
weaning weights and leave you a set of females that will be big bodi
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,000.00) = 2,000.00
49 - J5 LOADED GUN 7222Frontier Live Sale
Selling as a commercial bull you can read between the lines 96/780/1005 unadjusted
for age. Big time thickness in this rascal and out of a solid cow f
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (2,000.00) = 2,000.00
50 - J5 425 SUMMIT 7266Frontier Live Sale
When cattle are long thick and deep they are usually going to put a few easy lbs. on
the scale. He is out of a very easy keeping, and powerful cow fam
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 4,000.00