8 - N S R SITKA 108Frontier Live Sale
Lot 8 is a genetic masterpiece for maternal genetics. He is sired by the famous female sire Juneau 807J
and from the cow Bohi Abigale 6014. This combi
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (10,000.00) = 10,000.00
9 - N S R PALMER 102Frontier Live Sale
We are very excited about this bull, one of the first calves in NSR history to wean above 900 lbs.
The dam has produced 7 calves at 110 nursing ratio
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (8,500.00) = 8,500.00
10 - N S R STUNNED 101Frontier Live Sale
We think this bull is special, he was raised by a first year heifer.
This heifer did her job well and produced a great calf, weaning him at 782 lbs wi
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,750.00) = 5,750.00
15 - N S R STUNNER 113Frontier Live Sale
Embryo Transfer. Dam has a weaning ratio of 4 calves at 110 and a
yearling ratio of 3 calves at 107. Heifer Bull.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,750.00) = 4,750.00