1 - Lot 1 - Basin Lucy 4240Frontier Live Sale
• BASIN LUCY 4240 is the fi rst daughter in production out of BASIN LUCY 1037. Selected to enter the Basin ET program while raising her fi rst natural
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (15,000.00) = 15,000.00
2 - Lot 2 - Basin Lucy 7146Frontier Live Sale
• BASIN LUCY 7146 is a moderate framed, deep bodied, powerfully constructed
daughter of BASIN LUCY 1037. She recorded a 205 day weight of 791 pounds.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (6,000.00) = 6,000.00
3 - Lot 3 - Basin Lucy 6268Frontier Live Sale
• BASIN LUCY 6268 is a full sister in blood to the LOT 1 featured donor, BASIN
LUCY 4240. She is a full sister in blood to BASIN YUMA 4286, our top se
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (5,500.00) = 5,500.00
4 - Lot 4 - Basin Lucy 1048Frontier Live Sale
• BASIN LUCY 1048 is a full sister in blood to BASIN LUCY 1037, the top selling
female of the 2016 Stars of Texas sale, where one-half interest sold f
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (3,500.00) = 3,500.00
5 - Lot 5 - Basin Lucy 1722Frontier Live Sale
• BASIN LUCY 1722 is a powerful and productive donor cow prospect with a
production record of 3 NR 113 and 3 YR 107.
• The Dam of BASIN LUCY 1722 is f
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (3,500.00) = 3,500.00
6 - Lot 6 - Basin Joy 2015Frontier Live Sale
• BASIN JOY 2015 is a top producing young donor cow. While she is an extreme
calving ease female, she is also exceptionally powerful in her phenotype.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (25,000.00) = 25,000.00
7 - Lot 7 - Basin Joy 2019Frontier Live Sale
• BASIN JOY 2019 is a productive young cow with a brood cow look and balanced
data. She has a progeny record of 3 NR 107, 3 YR 104, 3 IMF 110 and 3 RE
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (4,750.00) = 4,750.00
9 - Lot 9 - Gmar Comrade D761Frontier Live Sale
• Individual performance: BW 68 lbs., BR 91, 205 Wt. 650 lbs., WWR 102 with 76
• contemporaries.
• Dam’s production: 4 BR 99, 4 NR 106.
• Grandam’s
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (3,250.00) = 3,250.00
10 - Lot 10 - Gmar Rampage D200Frontier Live Sale
• Individual performance: BW 69 lbs., BR 100, 205 Wt. 724 lbs., WWR 111 with 92
• Dam’s production: 1 BR 100, 1 NR 111.
• Ranks in
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (9,500.00) = 9,500.00
11 - Lot 11 - Gmar Resource D150Frontier Live Sale
• SAV Resource 1441 is one of the breed’s most popular performance sires who
topped the 2012 SAV Sale. He exhibits added muscling, structural soundne
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (4,500.00) = 4,500.00